Felicitations, Fellow Freedom Fighters.
As someone who has studied despotic regimes in the past, I fear that the only salvation for America now is the forcible removal of Trump - a clear Russian asset - from office. ‘Cuz if anyone out there is still hoping to right the ship via the Midterm Elections two years from now…you’re kidding yourself. At this stage, we have to assume that the Midterms have gone the way of the Dodo, long denim skirts and Dane Cook’s career.
Sorry, I don't know why I keep dunking on poor Dane Cook...I'm sure he's a lovely guy. About as funny as a roofing estimate, but I'm sure he's just swell.
It's my belief that - in order to prevent the juggernaut-like rollout of Project 2025 and the crib death of democracy down south - U.S. Marshals have to enter the Oval Office and physically drag this clear and present danger kicking and screaming out of the People’s House and throw his ass into prison.
Frankly, this should have happened ages ago…but unfortunately Merrick Garland was born without a spine.
Sure there's a veritable buffet of Constitutional Crisis out there right now to warrant such an extreme move…but Trump’s second term isn’t like his first. He’s spent the past four years (and certainly the past month) filling positions of power and influence with minions, lickspittles and toadies. So the odds of this happening without a massive groundswell of public pressure is pretty remote.
Yeah, I know people are overworked, distracted, disengaged, uninformed and feeling powerless…but the American people have to act now. Conspiracy theories, misinformation and a lack of critical thinking skills have already resulted in at least 30-40% of the population merrily embracing the nuclear option...so long as brown and / or trans people suffer somehow.
Don't believe me? Just look at these two chucklefucks:
I mean, look at these guys! They're clearly old enough to know what the Cuban Missile Crisis, is, right? They know who Vladimir Putin is, right? Surely they've seen Rocky IV?!?
Honestly, I can't remember a more blood-curdling image in recent memory, one which convinces me that the greatest threat to progression here on Earth is the ruinous destructive power that conspiracy theories have wrought on the human mind.
There is one faint glimmer of hope, however: Trump and his ilk are more aggressively stupid than any of his previous autocratic forerunners. I’m now convinced that he’s deliberately intent on creating so much economic chaos that people will be eventually rebel, leading to Martial Law. Trump is already eluding to this...
Sure there's a chance that Trump and his brown shirts will push too hard, too far and too fast and the people will revolt. Perhaps he'll dispatch the military and - still dedicated to the Constitution over a self-appointed monarch - they'll give Mandarin Mussolini a giant middle finger RE: the subjugation of the American people and / or an invasion of Canada.
It’s a hope I have. I pray it’s still feasible in a time when bulwarks of reality that were firmly established in the first five decades of my life on this planet continue to get swept away.
EPIC: "Wait! We voted for bad stuff to happen to other people...not to us!" People are finally waking up....hopefully it's not too late.
FAIL: Wanna play "Presidential Portrait or Mugshot"?
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